Friday, November 22, 2013

Positive Attributes of My Friends :) (Self-Worth)

In the Personal Progress activity I have been working on, we were asked to right down the positive attributes of people we noticed over a 2 week period. So here's mine :)

Elder Daniel Robinson has put up with me since the end of May. He is one of the most kind people and missionaries I’ve ever known. I am so very blessed to know such a loving and caring guy. He’s really funny and is always willing to help. He makes us laugh even when it makes look really silly. If anyone asks him a question and he doesn’t know the answer, he always does his best to find the answer. He is extremely dedicated to his work, which is currently serving as a missionary. I truly could not imagine my life without him. He’s always been here for me through the good times, and the bad. He’s definitely become a very close friend. These qualities that I’ve noticed over the two week period are not some that were present just during this time – they’re always present. Elder Robinson has helped me to learn so much about the gospel and he’s definitely made all of these changes a ton easier, and these things are definitely not always easy.

Jacob Jensen followed the prompting given to him by the Spirit to help me. He says he is very grateful he followed this prompting haha. Jacob is truly a wonderful guy. He’s so loving and caring. He’s always willing to help people. While he says that sometimes he helps simply because it’s his duty to God, I truly believe it’s for other reasons as well. Jacob is very patient and for the most part is not irritated easily. He’s nearly always in a super happy mood and this mood truly influences others. I would say it’s what draws all of us to him. I am very blessed to have met Jacob, as well!

Allison is an amazing girl I’ve known for about four months now. Each day, she always seems happy and wishes me a great day at school. Just seeing that helps so much. She truly brightens my day and encourages me in everything I do. I could not imagine my life without her. During the time I was truly struggling with my testimony, she lifted me up and helped ever so much. That is something she continues to do every single day.

Elder Jason Thomas is currently Elder Robinson’s companion. Elder Thomas is a very funny and easygoing missionary. He makes me laugh each time I talk to him. He is very uplifting and the Spirit is very much present in his life. I very much enjoy each chance I get to talk to him.

Elder Allen Jacques is currently serving as a missionary. Elder Jacques, now “Elder Jakes” is an awesome missionary. He’s always willing to help and serve others. He claims that he hasn’t always been like that. While I completely believe him, I find it very difficult to imagine. He is quite knowledgeable of the gospel and those times he doesn’t know, he tries his hardest to find out. He’s always encouraging me to do my best and constantly reminds me that my best is all I can do and it is good enough for Heavenly Father. I am so very grateful to have met him.

Elder Minan Choe always seems to be in a great mood each time I talk to him. He’s been a very busy missionary, so I really don’t have that much to write about him from these past two weeks. But in past months, he’s been super encouraging. He helped me as I was struggling over the summer to find what is true. He’s very encouraging and uplifting. He’s the type of person you know will stay by your side. He’s sensitive to the Spirit and listens to what it tells him to say or do. And this is very apparent especially when you talk to him. I am so happy I was given the opportunity to meet him!

Elder Dallin Kestner is the type of missionary who is always trying his best, even when it gets hard – and it does get hard… a lot. He’s given me enormous amounts of support, especially when I need it. He’s one of the easiest missionaries to talk to. I never have to worry about him thinking any less of me and I know that’s true for others. He’s also very amusing. One of his favorite things is to share riddles. Sometimes, he truly does stump me. I do believe I have yet to stump him haha.

Kira Northrop taught me when she was serving a mission down here in Texas! She is definitely a very influential person! Always in a great mood and someone I want to be just like. I love her so very much. Over the summer when I was having a very difficult time, she set aside all of her troubles just to help me. I feel this shows how much of an unselfish person she truly is. She is very loving and always willing to help. She’s truly an amazing person!!

Chance Gallagher is someone I’ve known for about two months now. Each time I talk to him, he’s pretty happy. He’s always there for me and is also very knowledgeable of the gospel. I cannot think of a time where he’s said anything negative to me. He truly is an amazing person.

Jason Johnson is now a returned missionary. He taught me between March and May. Jason is the type of guy who’s always there for you. He will listen when you ask him for help and help you decifier the best options, even when the correct way sometimes is unclear. I know I can talk to him about anything. He’s been with me there during my struggles and I know he is a person you can count on. I learned tons from him and would not trade my experiences for anything.

Adam Jensen (is not related to Jacob haha) was an amazing missionary, for sure. And now that his mission is over, he continues to talk to me and help me with everything I need. He’s truly an amazing friend. Adam is very knowledgeable about the gospel and has truly been a blessing in my life. I think each of us meet for a reason, and I know that there was a reason I met him. He is a funny guy and very patient. When I’m not having too great of a day, he always makes me smile.

Brian Parker has truly blessed my life in so many ways. He’s helped me and has taught me so much. He’s helped me in past months to discern what is true and what is not. I think I could almost call him my guardian angel (haha) as he is always there. He’s always willing to help and truly values the gospel. He’s the type of person I hope to be just like. He’s very loving and cares so very much about his family and friends. I am truly blessed to have met him and to have gotten to know him in the small way I have.

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