Friday, September 6, 2013

Personal Attributes (Self-Worth)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jade says I am:

Very hard-working. To be hard-working means you work hard to make sure you get the job done correctly and you will not stop until you have completely finished the task at hand. I can use this quality to help people with tasks that they need accomplished. One of my favorite things to do is tutor people in math. I can use this gift to help make sure they completely understand what it is they should be learning. I can improve this quality by striving to do my best with every task and challenge I face.

Smart. To be smart is the same as being intelligent. You understand what you are doing. When I think of this attribute, the first thing that comes to mind is the ability to almost always do my schoolwork on my own. I can use this gift to help others around me. I can strengthen this quality by making sure I am always challenging myself and not doing work that is too easy.

Friendly. One definition of friendly is being inclined to help or support. I think one of the smallest, yet greatest things we can do is just smile at someone. It is a friendly gesture that often can make a person's day. I know I love seeing people smile. Through this, I can encourage people by being nice to them. My mom often told us that the world is far too mean for us to also be mean to each other. I agree. I think the way I can improve this is by being more open to people and to help support them at each opportunity. I need to make sure I'm not being jealous or envious of what they have and just make sure that I am happy for them for what they have or what they have accomplished.

Positive. I think of the greatest things we need to make sure we are doing is remaining positive. When we do this, we indicate that we trust our Heavenly Father to help us. We know that He will make sure we turn out alright and don't suffer through anything more than we can handle. When we are positive, things often end up seeming far easier than they would if we constantly told ourselves we couldn't do something. People are more likely to want to be around you if you are positive. Positivity also makes you a happier person over all. What I can do with this gift is try to use it to help other people to retain their confidence and not be swayed just because a task is difficult. For me, I need to make sure I am trusting my Heavenly Father in that everything will turn out okay in the end. This is important because this is a faith based attribute and without faith, nothing can happen.
Full of faith. As Alma 32:21 says "And now as I said concerning faith - faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." I think I truly have no choice but to trust my Heavenly Father and have faith and hope that He is aware of me and knows exactly what He's doing. Sometimes this is the absolute hardest thing to do because we want answers now, not later. I can use my testimony to inspire other people to remain faithful and learn to trust in the Lord. To improve this gift, I need to try my hardest to trust the Lord and to have faith that He will help me when He thinks the time is best.

Pretty. Pretty can be used to describe many things. Mostly though, it is used to describe the appearance of a person. With this being said, we can use our looks to attract people. People like friends. No one really wants to be friends with someone who does not keep themselves looking clean. I can use this attribute to attract people to learn more about the gospel. I've often been told that many people like my smile, so that would be one I can try to give someone a better day. For me, I think one thing I need to work on is eating right. As an athlete, I never really had to worry about that too much. But now I'm not playing sports like I need to, so diet becomes a concern.

Talented. This is such a broad attribute because it is so vague. One can be talented in so many areas. I'm not quite sure, really, what my talents are. But something I am currently working on is becoming better at art. To do this, I need to make sure I'm always putting forth my best effort in school and striving to do no less than my very best each and every day. No one is perfect so perfection is not something any of us can achieve. So, as I strive to do my best each day, I will become better and develop and learn to recognize my talents.

Loving. To be loving can be an absolute challenge some days. And it's not so much loving someone - it's showing that love. Each of us want to be loved by someone and it means all the more if we are close to that person. To be loving, I think I need to work on not holding things against people in any way, shape, or form and focus on the good things they do. Not their past mistakes.

Kind. To be kind means that we are conscious of our decisions and words that we say to others. I need to make sure that I'm constantly paying attention to what I'm saying so I don't say anything that could be taken the wrong way or that is offensive in any way.

Happy. I always tell one of my best friends that you're only as happy as you want to be. Something I want to continue trying do is finding the positive side in everything. There always is one, it just can be hard to find sometimes. But as you keep searching for it, you will find it. When we focus on the good things in life, and not the bad, we become happy. One other way to remain happy is reading your scriptures daily and trying to become more like Christ. When we do this, we can become happy. 

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