Thursday, September 5, 2013

Personal Attributes (Self-Worth)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Brian says I am:

Smart. I think for being smart, one of the greatest things you can rely on to help you is your Heavenly Father. I have definitely noticed a huge change in my grades since I started learning about the gospel. Now, Heavenly Father is not going to do all of the work for you, but if you do your best and study as you're supposed to, He will help you remember the things which you learned. What I can do with this is I can help others with homework and the like. To improve this attribute, I can continue my education in school and work on studying more. 

Hard-working. I am the type of person who doesn't like to leave until the job is done. One such example would be with my art project. Being a perfectionist, I really like to make things as perfect as I can get them. So, I will spend hours and hours working on something until I get it just how I want. This sort of hard-work helps me especially when I am tutoring other students because I try my best to work with them and find a way to help them understand what it is they are doing. Generally, I don't feel like I can stop helping someone until I am sure they understand the particular concept. One way to improve this would be relaxing a bit and not having to have everything be just how I want it. It helps a bunch when I'm in school doing art or something, but it also takes away a ton of time that I could be spending with my family.

Able to function with little sleep. I don't know if this is necessarily a good thing, but I don't need that much sleep. Usually five hours is enough. One thing that makes this a beneficial attribute is that it means I can stay up late studying and do just as well as someone who got double the amount of sleep I do. It means I can help others who need it and still have enough time to do my work. One thing I do need to work on, though, is getting more sleep and I can do this by making sure I prioritize my activities and that I keep myself from being distracted as easily.

Truth seeking. I think one of the most important things we can do in our lives is establish our own personal system of beliefs. That is something I've been working on - finding what is the truth? For me, this pertains to the gospel, but there are a variety of other things it relates with as well. To find the truth has taken quite some time. And the truth, while it never changes, you do so you need to keep studying it and seek to learn more. I can use my testimony to inspire others to learn more about the church and find what is true. I personally can continue trying to establish a healthy daily habit of prayer and scripture study.

Curious. I love learning. So with that love follows a certain curiosity to always want to know more. I love the gospel and I love learning as much as I can about it. Part of holding a want to know more is asking questions. And when I'm not asking questions, I try to find the answers myself. I can share with others what I've learned from my own personal studies and what I've learned from asking the missionaries questions. What I can improve on is working more diligently when I'm studying the gospel and trying to find the answers on my own first, then ask for help. I also need to make sure I'm asking Heavenly Father for help rather than asking the missionaries. By doing this, I will build a much better relationship with Him.

Inquisitive. To be inquisitive is nearly the same as being curious. Something that I've noticed that is different in the definition is it is a desire to research. Now in my opinion, this seems like something, when you're not asking questions, you'd be doing on your own. And even still, you can research your own questions. Something I can do is I can encourage others to ask questions and try to find the answers to them on their own. This is something I need to work on doing as well.

Kind. Being nice to people is sometimes a really hard thing especially since we live in such a judgmental world. I strive to be kind to all that I meet, but sometimes that's really hard especially since we all have a tendency to judge people before we really know them. I will admit to having done that multiple times. Unfortunately, that also happened very recently. I want to make sure I'm really getting to know a person first before I make any opinions about the person and I can encourage others to do that, too.

A good example to those around her. Sometimes it's hard knowing that people are always watching your actions and more so with little kids, imitating what you do. I try to do what I know Christ would want me to do. I like the slogan "Choose The Right." It means to do the right thing even when everyone else around you isn't. It also is based off of integrity, or what you do when no one is watching. I need to make sure that the decisions I make are the right ones and that I am doing what Christ would want me to. Leading by example is very important. When others see your good example, they will follow.

Faithful. Having faith means trusting and sometimes this is the very hardest thing to do. Especially when we really don't know what's going to happen. And yet, this is the most important thing. We need to trust our Heavenly Father and have faith that He knows what's best for us. When we do this, we find that we are much happier. Last night, I decided that I was just going to put my full trust in Heavenly Father and not ask why He tells me to do something. I need to trust that He knows what He's doing and that it will help me in the bigger scheme of things. I need to work on not worrying so much about things. I can use my experiences to help others build their faith in Heavenly Father, as well, by setting an example and then asking them to follow this example, like for daily scripture reading.

A super cool cat!. I really don't know what to say about this one. I suppose the best thing I can come up with is just trying to do my best and encourage others to do the same.

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